Sunday, September 6, 2020

This must be elder abuse...


Hello? HELLO?

Anyone out there?  I don't see how anyone could be, since I just invented this silly thing.  Still, I have to begin some kinda way, you know?  

Welp, I've been bounced from Facebook once again. I wish I had kept track of how many times I've been put in FB prison. I must hold some kind of record. Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just one of many assholes being culled from the FB herd.  Apparently, when a hugely fat Negress tells you you're an ugly racist, a "methed" (the bitch can't spell) and "I hope you die soon," apparently asking how much she weighs and if she has to be weighed on a grain scale is "bullying."  Maybe I shouldn't have added "Mooooo..." but it's too late to worry about that now.

I'll be back, I have to pee. I also have to urinate, so I'm going to do them both at the same time. That's efficiency right there...